Reflection #6 – Whiteboarding

Interactive Whiteboarding!


In my future classroom I would want to use an interactive whiteboard as much as possible. I think I would use it as a way of creating  more creative and interactive class presentations. I want to create lessons that will keep my students engaged and will therefor help them to learn more than they would from a boring presentation. I could do this by creating a slide show with videos, games, and other affects that will overall just make the presentation look more energetic and more lively. By doing this, students will be more engaged in the work that I am teaching them and will then be more apt to enjoying the lesson.

I would also use the interactive whiteboards as a center for when the class rotates around the room. I think that centers work really well and they would offer me the opportunity to check in with each student on a much more individual level. I would set up a game or a review activity on the interactive whiteboard. This would give each student their own individual time to work with the board which would then, hopefully, minimize the distraction that it could cause throughout the rest of the day. These games will also be engaging and I will find ones that could bring out a little competition and fun while still reinforcing what the students need to learn.


The last main use of the interactive whiteboard that I think I would have in place in my classroom is for morning work and attendance. I would put a picture of each student on the board and then when they arrive at school they will move their picture to the lunch section that they are getting that day. Any students that are not here will then have their picture still in the “not here” column so that I can see who is not in school each day. I will also use the board to put up a morning question or passage which students can answer or fill in the blanks and then we can use the interactive whiteboard to solve it as a class.

In this course so far, I am most excited for all of the websites and resources that we are able to test out throughout the semester. It is great that we are able to troubleshoot and test out the sites now so that when we do have our own classrooms, we will already have this plethora of resources to go back to. In my past experience in schools, I have had very little exposure to technology so this class is really opening my eyes to the possibilities that technology has in a classroom. I am really excited to compile a list of websites and technologies that I think would work so that when I have my own classroom, I can look back at the list and find something that would suit my class and their learning best. That is a very broad response however, I am just very excited for the resources that this course will provide me for now and for the future.