Tool Evaluation 8 – Floating Done

Image result for class dojo

 “The simple way to build an amazing classroom community”


Type of Software: Online website or downloadable application

Cost: FREE! There is no cost for users to create a classroom site, add students, and share access with parents.

Primary User: Teachers can use this site or application as a means of classroom management and keeping students motivated. Students can use this site or application as a means of motivating themselves and doing well each day. Parents can use this site or application as a means of checking their child’s performance and classroom behavior.


Teachers can create a page where they can then import all of the students from their class into the site

• Teachers can use the messenger to message and discuss with parents

Users can form groups out of the class roster

Teachers can create story posts about homework, classwork, announcements, and any other updates

Teachers can maintain attendance through this site

Teachers can use a timer through the site for classroom activities

Teachers can assess the students behavior in the class room

Intuitiveness: The site has very straightforward directions and users can easily follow the site. The class page is also carefully laid out so parents and students should not have issues working with the sight either.

An Alternative: A similar option for this site is Seesaw. This site is also used for teachers to manage their classroom and student behaviors.

As a Resource for the Classroom


Teachers can make sure that students are working well and behaving by marking them up or down

The site can be used for attendance and will keep a record of attendances throughout the year.

•  Teachers can see a graph of the whole class’s performance each day

Teachers can create different groups for different subjects and different students in each

Teachers can upload images and files to the site for students to access

Users can send out an initial email to invite parents to the students’ class page


Users need internet access to access this site and its benefits

Teachers cannot upload student pictures with their name instead they are randomly assigned cartoons


Make sure that parents are all aware of and able to access the site

Make sure that students know of the site and are able to see their behavior through the site

Problems to Solve and Possible Uses:

Communication with parents

There is a messenger and a posting page for teachers to talk directly with specific parents as well as make posts for the whole class to see. Parents are then also able to view their child’s behavior each day.

Behavior Management in the classroom

Teachers are able assess student behavior in the classroom and keep students from acting out in class. This site can also keep students motivated into behaving appropriately and focused during class since they know that their parents will be able to see it directly.

This is the link for the classroom that I made and follow the instructions to follow the class. You will be logging in as either the parent of one of the students or the student: Jackson Avery, you can chose either.

Overall, I would highly suggest this web source to future and current educators!